Press the hotkey "O" on your keyboard to open/close your Emoticon Window. You can express
various emotions/motions by clicking the Icon.
Taskbar: You can drag and drop the Motion/Emotion icons into the task bar to assign hotkeys.
Special Motions
Pick Up Nearby Item
This is a very useful Motion to have as a hotkey (It's on F2 by default). Just after you have killed a monster, you can press this key to pick up a dropped item. You must press it once, for each item you wish to pickup. It's advantage, is you sometimes cannot click an item when it has dropped under a tree, or under another monster. The Pickup Nearby Item motion always collects, regardless of the dropped-items awkward position.
Collect Supplement
This is the Motion used to collect the many types of Catcher minerals, used (in the past) for refining items.
To collect:
Kill a Catcher monster. Equip a collector (purchased from General Items Npc) Make sure the Emotion is in your Hotkeys. Target the Dead Catcher. Press the Function key of the Collect Supplement Emotion. A green collection "Aura" will appear in front of your collector, and the supplements will be collected into your inventory. The rate of the collection, depends upon the Quality of the collector.
Teleport to Nearest Town
If your character gets stuck in the terrain, or falls through a gap in the terrain, he can use a blinkwing to teleport to the nearest town. In the unlikely event of you forgetting scrolls, or running out, you can use this special Motion in such emergencies, to teleport you back to the nearest town. The penalty for using one of these, is it takes 5 minutes to cast the spell. So REMEMBER your BlinkWings

Cheer Up Another Player
When cast upon a character, it increases their experience gained, by 5% per cheer-point. You may have up to 3 Cheer points to give away. The effect of a cheer point lasts for 10 minutes. You are given one cheer point per hour, to distribute to the character of your choice (not yourself) If you log out after receiving a cheep point, or after being "cheered", the points are lost. To cheer someone, highlight them, and then either press the Motion in a hotkey, or Alt-Click the character, and select Aid from the character menu, or on the Party menu, right click the member, and select Aid.