Game Controls
W : Your character moves forward.
S : Your character moves backward.
A : Your character rotates to the left.
D : Your character rotates to the right.
X : To toggle walk or run.
Spacebar : Your character will jump. Push left and right mouse button at same time will make your character jump too.
Left Mouse Button : Using a mouse for movement is easier, just click with left mouse button on the spot you wish your character to go.
W : To activate auto-run press "W" twice rapidly, to deactivate auto-run press "W' or "S" once
Left Mouse Button : Targeting - Click left button.
Esc : Cancel targeting.
Left Mouse Button : Single attack - Click left button with targeting.
Ctrl + Left Mouse Button : Consecutive attack - Ctrl + click left button with targeting.
Left Mouse Button : Automatic attack - Double click left button on a target.
C : To activate the action slot sequence of skills.
Left Mouse Button : Picking up item - Click left button on an item. (Or put the pick up motion on an quick key)
Left Mouse Button : Using item - Double Click item in the inventory. You can drag items skills or motion on the quick bar on bottom of your screen (middle) and use them with the F keys on your keyboard.
I : Opens inventory window.
E : Opens friend list.
N : Opens mini-map. (navigator)
H : Shows character information.
K : Opens skill window
Q : Opens quest window.
M : Opens the local continent map.
P : Opens the party window.
G : Opens the guild window
J : Opens the duration window.
O : Opens the emotes window.
Character menu
Alt + Left Mouse Button - To open the character menu, Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard and click on the character you want to interact with.
Trade : You click to trade items with other players.
Add to my list : You click if you want to add a player to your friend list.
Invite to join party : Invite someone to party with you.
Follow : Click to follow another player.
View equipment : View what the other person is wearing. (Some may have disabled this in options)
Aid : Send someone a cheer point. (Which makes them gain more experience points for a certain time)
Left Arrow : Moves camera left.
Right Arrow : Moves camera right.
Up Arrow : Move camera up.
Down Arrow : Moves camera down.
Right Mouse Button : Hold right mouse button, to move camera any way you want.
Mouse Wheel : Rotate the mouse wheel up and down to zoom in/out your character view.
Mouse Wheel : To return to the original view, double click the mouse wheel button.
Scroll Lock : Scroll Lock will place you into a first party view, pressing it again will increase the zoom to 2x, 3x, and then back to regular view